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98th FOCA National Convention

It is time once again time to prepare for the annual FOCA convention. Unlike many conventions in the past, we are integrated in the 21st All American Council of the OCA. The primary reason for this lies in being a part of the final step in the canonization of St. Matushka Olga, our first American female saint. Services for her will take place on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning of both gatherings. The complete schedule for both the OCA and the FOCA is being finalized.

Details on our convention are a bit more solidified at this point. We will open with a welcome session and reception on Tuesday evening, July 15th. It promises to be an extraordinary evening with details to follow. The plan is to have a screening of “Sacred Alaska” followed by a brief panel discussion and extended reception.

Wednesday, July 16th will present us with an abridged convention session that will cover all reports from all officers and departments and provide for the main discussions of the convention with an afternoon session from 1:00-4:00 p.m. It will be imperative to have read all reports prior to the session. We will join in with the OCA on Wednesday evening for the Vigil for Saint (Matushka) Olga.

Thursday, July 17th will begin with Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and the celebration of St. Olga on what will become her feast day. The afternoon will provide us the ability to hold our concluding session for the convention from 3:30-5:00 p.m. That evening, we will be a part of the Grand Banquet of the All American Council at which we will present our Gifts of Love Appeal funds for the continuing restoration of St. Theodosius Cathedral and a brief presentation to the full OCA body about our organization and why they should all be members.

This is an extraordinary event. We may not have the typical convention by FOCA standards, but we are witnessing Church history with the canonization of a saint. With the involvement of so many FOCA members in the full life of the OCA, we have worked diligently to schedule accordingly with as much opportunity to be involved in both conventions to the fullest extent possible. The leadership and guidance of FOCA member and CPO for the OCA, Protodeacon Peter Ilchuk, has been beyond belief. He has worked tirelessly to keep us fully engaged with the OCA planning. Fr. Alessandro Margheritino, OCA Secretary and Acting Chancellor has been of great assistance as well.

Key points

Register for rooms through the OCA website under the 21st All American Council page on the main screen right column. Suggested booking for FOCA events is at least Tuesday afternoon through Friday morning.

Register for the Grand Banquet as an observer/dinner only through the same site. There will not be a separate banquet. The one day observer choice will allow you to select the Banquet ($85.00) option only.

Book your flight accommodations as soon as possible.

Registration for the FOCA Convention will be forthcoming. That is separate from the room and banquet registration through the OCA. We will have full details forthcoming. The room and banquet bookings are more imperative at this point.

The resort is magnificent. Temperature will only be an issue if you choose to be outside for an extended length of time. The vast majority of your outdoor movement is roofed in walkways and pavilions.