2017 National Bowling Tournament Recap
/Over the weekend of May 5-7, bowlers gathered in the Baltimore area for the 78th annual national bowling tournament which was sponsored by the Vladicon “O” Club of St. Andrew Orthodox Church of Baltimore, Maryland at which Father Theodore Boback is rector (as well as the Fellowship’s national spiritual advisor). Participants were from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia and Maryland. Team bowling was held at Country Club Lanes in Middle River, MD on Friday evening. Doubles and singles bowling took place on Saturday.
Father Ted celebrated great vespers at the church that evening and afterwards the awards banquet was held in the parish hall. Father Daniel Ressetar, past national spiritual advisor, blessed the food and attendees watched the Kentucky Derby during dessert, cheering on their favorite horses. National FOCA President Marge Kovach was on hand to welcome everyone and urged us to participate in this year’s national convention in Hershey/Harrisburg, PA. Phil Tesar of the sports department presented the prizes for the best bowlers in a variety of categories; immediate past president Becky Tesar also participated. Father Ted extended his greetings as did John Speraw, chapter president. And Walter Alesevich, Colonial District governor, announced the district stock awards. Thanks to Roxanne Yaroshevich, registration chair; Sue Stratton, program booklet chair; Sue Polacek and Hope Boback, Saturday banquet and Sunday farewell luncheon chairs; and Zina Dimirkow, Mindy Andreychek, and June & John McIver for hospitality and decorations.
On Sunday morning, Metropolitan Tikhon, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. and the Fellowship’s spiritual leader, celebrated the hierarchal Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Church assisted by Fathers Ted and Joseph Toroney and Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak. His Beatitude tonsured James Magruder, who is the chapter vice president, to reader and then ordained him as subdeacon and to the deaconate. Deacon James is a 2003 graduate of St. Vladimir Seminary and received his doctorate in art history from Johns Hopkins University in 2014; he is also parish council secretary and church school director. Axios! The tournament’s farewell luncheon followed in the church hall. Thanks to Vladicon for their warm hospitality and continuing a great tradition of Orthodox fellowship and sports!