96th FOCA National Convention Recap
/WILLIAMSBURG, VA.—Members and Delegates of the 96th National Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America gathered at The Woodlands Hotel Suites in Colonial Williamsburg July 28 – August 1, 2023, to conduct their annual business meeting. Host chapter, the South River ‘R’ Club of Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in South River, New Jersey, delivered a weekend of Faith, Family and Fun. Joining the meeting, festivities and serving Sunday’s Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was liaison of the Holy Synod to the FOCA, The Right Reverend Gerasim, Bishop of Fort Worth, Auxiliary to the Diocese of the South.
During plenary sessions, Officers, Governors, and Department Directors were given the opportunity to add to and answer questions stemming from their written reports. Open discussions were held concerning the topics of: Scholarships, District Boundaries, Junior Activities, and Convention Formats. Feedback on all topics was noted and provided to the Executive Board for follow-up and future development. Among the various discussions was a recap of the 3 weeks of camping sessions at St. Vladimir’s Camp & Retreat Center, which is owned and operated by the Ohio District of the FOCA. Of the 3 camping sessions, the second, “Junior Olympics” is an FOCA Nationally sponsored event. Many thanks were offered to those who are involved with all aspects of the camping programs, preparation, maintenance, cooking, and any other functions that enable the youth to attend. Additionally, the Novogodny Ball sponsored by St. Stephen’s OCF of the Colonial District made it’s highly anticipated post-COVID return in 2023, drawing nearly 200 patrons from six states. This event is expected to repeat in January 2024.
Building on the progress made at the 95th National Convention in Baltimore where the delegation initiated a shift in focus toward coordinating and facilitating activities, programs and retreats that would be made available to all of the youth of the OCA, the convention body took further steps to begin crafting a framework to focus on youth and young adult programs by designating that the Fellowship concentrate their financial efforts specifically toward:
Camping programs that foster spiritual growth, sustained friendships and camaraderie which would include camp tuition and camping facility grants
Seminaries and seminarians including academic scholarships and grants
Choir and choir directing training throughout the OCA including grants and scholarships
In other Convention action, discussion on whether to hold the 98th National Convention in conjunction with the OCA’s 21st All-American Council in Phoenix, Arizona in July 2025, was tabled until next 2024. The 99th National Convention was awarded to the Cleveland ‘R’ Club (Archangel Michael Orthodox Church-Broadview Heights, Ohio) and the 100th National Convention will be sponsored by either the Pittsburgh District or the Akron ‘O’ Club (St. Nicholas Orthodox Church-Mogodore, Ohio).
During the election of officers, former Vice President Basil Kochan (Akron ‘O’ Club) was elected President. Past President Becky Tesar (Cleveland ‘R’ Club) returns to the Executive Board in the office of Vice President. New to the executive board is Recording Secretary Alexis Steffaro (South River ‘R’ Club). Remaining on the board will be Spiritual Advisor V. Rev. Nicholas Wyslutsky (Akron ‘O’ Club), long-time Treasurer Michael Bowan (Midwest Chapter-At-Large), and in her new role as Immediate Past President, Allison Steffaro (South River ‘R’ Club). Many thanks to outgoing Recording Secretary Danielle Ilchuk (Ambridge ‘O’ Club) and Past President Marge Kovach (Bayonne ‘R’ Club) for their years of service to the organization.
The FOCA will reconvene for the 97th National Convention in Akron, Ohio, in July 2024.
The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America is an official organization of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), whose mission is to proclaim, share and reveal our Orthodox Christian Faith through service, fellowship and example. info@orthodoxfellowship.org